Dear Esteemed Correspondents / Principals,
Subject: Bridge Ancient Rishis Scientific Contributions with Modern Sciences/Mathematics
I trust this message finds you well. It is with great enthusiasm that I extend an invitation to your esteemed institution to participate in an enlightening event that aims to connect the profound scientific contributions of ancient Rishis with modern sciences and mathematics.
The illustrious Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the Father of Missile Technology, correlated Atharvana Veda and Ramayanam’s Pushpaka vimanam and Tippu Sultans Rockets with contemporary aeronautical engineering studies at MIT Madras. Similarly his research on creation of this Brahmandam- the whole world with Pancha bhutas -Prithvi (Earth), Jal (Water), Agni (Fire), Vayu (Air), Akash (Space) . With this, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam named his satellite vehicles as Prithvi, Akash, Nag, Trishul, and Brahmos. Today these missiles are being exported to other countries and earning huge revenue to India.
Now, we present an exciting opportunity for your institution to delve into the rich tapestry of ancient sciences and mathematics, fostering an understanding of their relevance to modern scientific concepts and applications. By engaging your students in research and exploration, you contribute to the revival of the Rishi Parampara and Indian Cultural Heritage, aiming to position India once again as a global leader in education.
Enclosed in Annexure I, you will find examples of ancient scientific topics that can serve as inspiration for research articles submitted by your middle and high school students.
As an esteemed educational leader, your participation is crucial in sowing the seeds of Rishi Parampara and fostering a deep connection to our cultural heritage and correlation of ancient sciences and modern sciences.
Join for offline celebrations in your own institutions on December 28th
Join us in celebrating Rishi Parampara Dinotsav – Acharya Varasatvam on 28th December . Annexure II contains guidelines and schedules to aid your teams to conduct offline celebrations by role plays, skits, or quiz competitions or conduct Rallies etc., Teachers/faculties whoever takes active part and guide students will also get certificates. Kindly, Send evidences of photos, videos and media coverages with details of teachers whomsoever guided students/activities etc. conducted in your school/institutions to our email – info@leadindiafoundation.org.
for more details visit www.leadindiafoundation.org. Lead India Foundation will send online certificates to the winners, participants, Teachers, Principals and to the institutions.
Join for online research in your institutions from December 28th to January 26th
Students from their institutions or from private communities/Localities individually as one entry or as a group of individuals not more than 5 candidates can submit as one entry with full details of each candidate. They may conduct research on any topic of their choice (some examples given in Annexure I. you can select any best topic which can be useful to be developed into different parts of sciences) on the correlation of ancient sciences and modern sciences and submit the article (not more than 600 words) or collage or PPTs or Recordings to the official email- info@leadindiafoundation.org. On successful submission online Certifications will be provided by – Lead India Foundation.
. Best research submissions with good statistics and authentic references will be nominated into next year Rishi ParamPara Committee and play a key role in formulating National Mission as a part of National Education Policy(NEP).
Your institution stands not only to gain recognition through awards and certificates but also to contribute significantly to the collective effort of making India as a global leader in both cultural and scientific spheres.
Let us unite in the spirit of “Vishwa Gurur Bharat- Mission 2047” for “Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu.”
We eagerly anticipate your positive response and active participation in this noble endeavour.
In this service of Mission 2047,
Lead India Foundation
Annexure I
Online Competitions Topics
- In Medical sciences Risho Atreya Samhitha and Charaka Samhita, are authenticated books even in today Ayurveda Medicines even after 2500 years.
- Shustruta who was the first surgeon in the world for plastic surgery,Optholomoly surgeries, whose tools are in British Museum.
- Patanjali who gave the Yoga Shastra to the world for harmonious physical,mental,emotional and spiritual health of the Humanity, which is being celebrated as World Yoga day on every year on June 21st.
- Kapila Maharshi who wrote first about Cosmology
- Sage Kanada in 6th Century who first explained the theory of the Cell-minute particles which is Atomic theory in modern sciences.
- Bodhidharma who explained us the theory of DNA
- In 10th Century AD Sage Nagarjuna in his Rasa Ratnakaram gave details Metal extraction, Gold conversion. Qu tub Minar a single iron pillar without rust even after 250 years is the proof of our knowledge in Mereology.
- Sage Atri who wrote Megha Shastra
- Parashara Muni is known as the father of Botany
- Dashavathara is the Theory of Life Evolution
- Recent studies in identifying better treatment of wounds using antimicrobial therapy led led to the identification of a core group of five widely used species restricted to the Himalayan region (Cedrus deodara, Nardostachys jatamansi, Pinus wallichiana, Pinus roxburghii and Valeriana jatamansi) which have references in ancient scripts.
Engineering and Mathematics
- Aryabhata with his book, “Aryabhattar” has contributed Zero, Decimal Number Systems, Trigonometry, Geometry to the mathematics. He also contributed to the Solar System, Lunar Eclipse and distance between planets like earth, Moon. The Indian Setilite in 1975 was named after Arya Bhatta.
- Bhaskaracharya who has given basis for today’s calendar of 365 days per year. His book Sidhanta Shiromani gives us details of Arthmatics, , , Algebra, Maths of planets etc.,
- Mahavir Acharya in 850 AD published Ganit Sahasra sangrha giving detail of Atronomy
- Panini who has given world’s first grammar.
- Agastya was the first to discover electricity.
- Bharadwaja who explained Aeronautics
- Varahamihiru who was first to write Seismology, Astronomy, Ground water in his Brahma Samhita Book.
- Budhayana, who gave the value of Pi and the Pythagorean Theory in the 6th century before Pythagoras.
- Brahma Gupta who knew about Gravitational Force in 591 AD. Brahma Gupta Sidhant gives us details of multiplicity of maths and measurement Instruments which Arabs have used.
- As Indian is known for its Ocean, we are also known for Traditional Ship Building with stich ship boats, historical references and technics are available. Today’s students can refer to Sangam youtube Channels.
- Acharya Chanakas Artha Shastra is Business Ethics even today.
- Sapta rishis gave a deep insight on astrology and the nature
Communications and Problem solving and Critical thinking
- Rishi Guatam gave the world, “Nyaya Darshan” from Tarka shastras. That is the basis for modern judiciary as well for Indian Logic and Debate system with its core principles of Pratyaksha Pramana – Witnesse, Anumana Pramana – Inferences, Upamana Pramana – arguments with examples like Jebra and Horse look like, Shabda pramana – testimonials, Law Causes and effects
- “Acharya Human Transformative Model” transforms inner seven dimensions of Physical, Mental, Intellectual, Emotional, Social and Spiritual levels to ignite higest potential, experiencing oneness of Vasudaiva Kurumbakam for Loka Samstha Sukhino Bhavanthu.
- Panini and Patanjali delved deep into the structure of language and evolved semantic and syntax rules as basis for developing understanding through their works – Ashtadhyayi and Mahabhasya. Current days Large Language Models(LLMs) and tools like ChatGPT rely heavily on semantic relationships of language to make Natural Language Processing(NLP) and AI based textual prediction work.
Annexure II
Guidelines for Online Competitions
- Each Topic may be allotted to one student of not more than 5 students group
- Each article should not exceed more than 5 pages
- School has to collect all the articles from the students, submit in a consolidated excel sheet (serial No, name of the student/students and class and name of th Topic). Convert into a PDF file, send online to acharyavarasatvam@gmail,com, in the name of your school before…… 20-12-2023
- First, Second and Third prizes will be given to the winners, certificates will be given to all the participants and Appreciation Certificate to the respective school.
Guidelines to celebrate Rishi Parampara- Acharya Varasatvam day on December 28th,2023 in schools.
- Photo display/ exhibition on the above topics
- Fancy Dresses competitions on great Rishishi Parampara
- Essay Writing Competitions on the above topics
- Elocution Competitions on the above Topics
- Mona actions/Drama/ Skits on Rishi Parampara